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WebAssembly (WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine designed to run in modern web browsers. It is called WebAssembly because it resembles the Assembly programming language if it were optimized for web applications. This turing-complete state machine enables high parallelization and low-latency code execution. Developers can deploy code to a WASM VM by submitting data to its API.

WebAssembly is designed to run low-level compiled languages like C, C++, and Rust in the browser. WASM is efficient because it’s compiled to native machine code and perfoms operations with granular control over computer resources. WASM also comes with safety features like sandboxing and memory isolation to prevent programs from escalating their priviledges and harming the user’s computer.

WebAssembly is well suited to meet the needs of blockchain applications because they are a resource-intensive web-based technology that depends on low-latency operations. This is especially useful for DLTs that rely primarily on GPUs. WASM has emerged as a popular choice for running smart contracts on the distributed ledgers that support it.

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